
Monday, 17 March 2014

school Camp Fun 1.1.04 - Part 1

1. Why do you think that plenty of Mums and Dads need to help? because they need to put up the tent

2 . Who is sleeping in Siobhan’s tent? 3 girls

3.  Where do you think they have their camp? at ther school

4. What do you think ‘foursies’ means? you leave one out and you do the rest.

Early Finishers: In tux paint draw a picture of either: the tents being put up OR the kids having a swim.

Post this photo to your blog with a few sentences telling your readers what has happened so far.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Frog's Life Cycle

The eggs stick together in a big blob slimy  called  spawn. The black dot inside each egg is is a tiny tadpole. The tiny froglet now has no tail she climbs out of the water onto a  leaf she looks around and listens for danger.